Psychological Counselling & Coaching

Personal transformation
Thank you Marie-Helene Prevot of Ladies of Luxury and Lifestyle, for inviting me to share my experience of transformation at their luncheon. I was proud to speak on my journey of uncertainty and anxiety, which ultimately led to personal growth. What a luxury to talk in front of all these powerful individuals, constantly crafting for change, positivity and impact to our society!
Super happy to know new names and connect again with familiar faces!
#ladiesofluxuryandlifestyle #transformation
#talkmatters #psychologicalcounselling

Invitation as panel speakers on women wellness
Glad to have been invited by Bazaar At Work Summit to share the topics of work-life integration, parenting and self-care with over 200 guests. Efforts to create “me” space is key to women wellness who are in a mode of constant multitasking. Time and efforts are needed to squeeze more out of the tooth paste tube (we all have limited headspace) and to tidy up our mental baggage.
#depression #anxiety #stress #wellness #self-care #metime #daretounsubscribe #tidyup #mentalbaggage Extended reading for parents, understand more about the kids : https://www.facebook.com/100065381803401/posts/pfbid02hKZQU1MhbR8oTbknvXeEbnLYtrCMaZhEUPbQVVgJdEkkc8sX5YdfFm8Q8UdfEy2Wl/?mibextid=jf9HGS